Our Story

Welcome to Kringle Krafts, where family values and quality craftsmanship come together to create products perfect for young families. Nestled against the beautiful Rocky Mountains, our family-owned business was founded by Opa (Grandpa) to enrich the lives of families through lovingly crafted, safe, and functional products. Designed with young families in mind, our items bring joy, simplicity, and cherished memories to your home. Explore our range of thoughtfully made products that help moms and dads create a happy, safe, and organized environment for their little ones.

At Kringle Krafts, we understand the importance of high-quality products for your family. Join us in making your home a place of happiness and trust, with items designed to last and make everyday life easier for parents and children alike.


Aristotle once said that "Quality is not an act, it is a habit." Kringle Krafts could not agree more with Aristotle - Our Pledge to you - Committed to Quality without exception!


For those special projects, Kringle Krafts is here to support you. We look forward to working with you to Build, Engrave or Etch your special item!


Repeatable, Reliable, Quality and Efficiency. Kringle Krafts Industrial Laser capabilities allows us to provide you with a variety of options for your special project with unsurpassed precision.


To be Obsessed in our Quest to Continuously build Quality Family orientated Products at a Fair Price.


To be our Supporters only trusted choice for their Quality made Laser products.


Read our FAQ, and if you still have any questions, don’t be shy, reach out and ask!

For pictures it is always best to start with a digital image of good quality resolution, 600 DPI or better. As a general rule the larger the image you would like to have the better resolution is required. If you are not 100% sure what you need, drop us a note and Kringle Krafts will help you achieve the outcome you are looking for.

Kringle Krafts invested into an Industrial grade Laser Cutter, Engraver and Etcher. To name only a few of the most commonly used materials Kringle Krafts works with they are:

  • Wood
  • Acrylic
  • Plastics
  • Leather
  • Aluminum
  • Copper
  • Glass
  • Corian
  • Silver
  • Titanum
  • Gold
  • Steel

Please  send us a note if your project requires a different material; not seen in the list, and Kringle will do their best to work with you to make your special project a reality.

Kringle Krafts Industrial Laser can cut up to 3/4 inch in thickness of solid wood or plywood; however, we prefer to stay at 1/2 inch or less. 3/4 inch we would consider for those special projects. For size we can accommodate a regular size of plywood 4’x8′ sheet utilizing the flow through capabilities of the Laser.

This is a great question that we get a lot. This is also very difficult to answer as every custom/special order is unique and is usually a one of a kind request. The good news is that Kringle Krafts enjoys working with our supporters and helping them out by offering all our estimates free of charge.